Independent Schools Year 6

This course is an extension of our Year 5 programme for those sitting for Independent schools.  Therefore, those targeting the Independent schools must enrol in Year 5 and Year 6.

The core course covers Advanced Mathematics, English and Creative Writing, Verbal and Non-verbal Reasoning. Parents of external students who have not completed our Year 5 course should note that this is a demanding program and may not be appropriate for children who have not engaged in substantial preparation during Year 5.

  • Lessons are 4 hours held on Sundays
  • 8.30am to 12.30pm or 9.30am to 1.30pm
  • Courses usually run for one term, September to December each year

22 September 2024 to 8 December 2023

This is a 12-week course which is non-refundable.

Course Features

The lessons will focus on the core elements of creative writing and comprehension. These will include:

  • Standard Comprehension questions – reviewing the different types of questions that can occur and how to respond to them to gain full marks
  • Standard Comprehension Mocks – under timed conditions (in class and at home)
  • Story Planning – how to develop ideas, characters and settings
  • Literary Techniques – how to introduce descriptive devices and figurative language into stories
    Identifying different question styles – how to respond to different styles of question
    Dialogue – how to introduce and punctuate dialogue effectively
    Vocabulary – the importance of powerful verbs and adjectives in any sentence
  • Non-Fiction – how to respond to different styles of non-fiction essays
  • Creative Writing Mocks – under timed conditions (in-class and at home)
  • This will focus on the challenging parts of independent schools’ past papers. Any child enrolling should have a core competency in maths up to 11 plus standard.
  • The lessons will go into more depth on maths topics including algebra, sequences, shapes, area, volume and time, as well as introduce entirely new topics like logical reasoning, permutations, pathing and bases. There will also be class activities and reviews of the most difficult questions from the homework papers.
  • The advanced mathematics course will not only help prepare students for the unique elements of independent school maths exams but also provide a good bridge to secondary school maths.

This will cover a range of question styles that commonly come up in the verbal, non-verbal and general entrance assessments for independent schools. This includes the London Consortium style papers. It will also cover the application of reasoning skills in the interview stage.

Group lessons will include interview advice and tips.

One-to-one mock interview practice can also be arranged for an additional fee.

  • Existing students enrolled in Year 5 are automatically eligible.
  • External students can only enrol subject to assessment to ensure they are of the same level as our existing cohort. Usually, there are very limited places that can only be offered once internal bookings are completed which means external students cannot book until one week before commencement.

Course Fees for 2024/25

Do you have some more questions or want to discuss the package that's right for you?

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